Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

"Please, Mom?"

Every mom has to make choices about how she uses her time. Because I work as a physician part-time, I have to give some of my time to work. So I try to be very intentional about giving my non-work time to my kiddos. I try not to multi-task. That generally works out quite well. But on the day where I only work in the afternoon, it can get a little dicey. The specter of the afternoon's work is always in the background, and while I usually ignore it until it's time to go-be-a-doctor, that can be hard.

I like to keep a handle on my 'tasks' (our version of an inbox...which gets filled with lab results, consult letters, prescription requests and patient messages) because I'm a little OCD that way. So this morning after our breakfast routine was through, while Lil Drummer was down for a nap, and Tiny Dancer was playing downstairs, I surveyed my time. I wanted to play with Tiny for a while, then take her on a 'mommy-daughter' date. Because the babysitter can stay with Lil Drummer while he sleeps, this is great little time for us. I love that as long as a trip to the library or lunch out is tacked on the end, she doesn't mind if our dates include Target, Trader Joe's or other errands. Today I was aiming for Target and TJ's as part of our date.

But then I logged onto the our work system. "Just really quick!" I thought, "I'll complete a few tasks, and then we'll head out." I don't like showing up to work and finding that my cup runneth over with messages.

And what's that law Murphy wrote? Cause there were a lot of tasks to be dealt with. So I did. Time kept ticking away, and E was playing on the floor next to me. 'Just a few more.' Then we were down to enough time for TJ's but no Target. 'Just a few more.' And then it was down to a quick stop at the library. 'Just a few more.' And then it was, 'My tasks are finally done, but I should really leave for work in 25 minutes.' Which doesn't leave room for much of anything at all.

I closed up my computer and she looked up at me. "Are we ready for our mommy-daughter date now?" Oh, the look of anticipation on her face!

In that moment, I made up my mind. "Yes, we're ready. C'mon, let's get in the car!"

"Can we got to the Library, then Target, then Trader Joes?"

"Um, I think we just have time for lunch. Is that okay?"

She smiled. "Yeah, that's okay."

We dashed to a nearby Starbucks where we split a panini and a bagel with cream cheese. She told me about her Primary lessons last Sunday, observed our fellow cafe-goers, and insisted on spreading the cream cheese all by herself.

When my clock read only a minute or two until I had to leave for work, I handed her the last bit of her bagel to carry, and we walked hand in hand back to the car. I dropped her off at home, where she gave me a kiss and told me to 'be safe' on the way to work.

I made it on time. By the skin of my teeth.

And as I drove, I thought about how there will never be enough time. With more than one kid, or with a job and a kid, or with any amount of demands on your time, it will feel like there is never the ability to give everyone their due.

But maybe I need to re-think what is enough.

Because for today, a stolen moment at a starbucks table, making up silly stories over a bagel and cream cheese, seemed like enough time.

Like just the right amount of time.


  1. Great post. Love that face at the top of it!!

  2. well said, good stuff kate. im a new reader to OCM but i love it. youve got a poison pen. cant wait to see you guys in a few months.

  3. LOVE the picture! What I would give for one on one time with my kiddos, or for a babysitter for that matter. (Our kids tend to scare them off unless they are an EMT or in the medical profession. We try to only use them when absolutely necessary.)

    There is never enough time, but I feel that as long as I make my kids number one, all will be okay. (Actually make that number three. You know who comes first. Second comes Jason.)

    Love your blog and your writing. It's very refreshing.

  4. Wow Kate, Just catching up. Love the new blog, and I love the med info and the virus info! Between root canals (both Greg and I) and bad virus's, I have found myself actually pondering pain reliever's! Thanks for the clarification. Love the photo's. Seeing Eva's expression reminds me of you when you were small!

    Love you...


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